What does HSi stand for?

1. Holy Scripture inspired – inspired by the Holy Scripture
2. Holy Spirit inspired – inspired by the Holy Spirit
3. Read from bottom to top consists of three letters IHS, which is a monogram meaning the name of JESUS.

The words on our T-shirts come straight from the Bible and encourage us to read it.


GOD invented and created MAN. The Bible contains crucial information about who we are and why we are living for. THEREFORE it is the Bible which is the right place to look for answers to questions that reach the DEPTHS of OUR SOUL …

       What does HSi stand for?


  1. Holy Scripture inspired – inspired by the Holy Scripture
  2.       Holy Spirit inspired – inspired by the Holy Spirit
  3.       Read from bottom to top consists of three letters IHS,          which is a monogram meaning the name of JESUS.

The words on our T-shirts come straight from the Bible and encourage us to read it.


GOD invented and created MAN. The Bible contains crucial information about who we are and why we are living for.

THEREFORE it is the Bible which is the right place to look for answers to questions that reach the DEPTHS of OUR SOUL …